Title: Against the Tide: The Radical Leadership of Pope Francis (a Liguori Publication) – English edition
Author: John L. Allen, Jr.
Description: Pope Francis has fascinated the world with his humility, his compassion, and his radical vision for the Church. He has welcomed the homeless into the Vatican, embraced people with diseases, and shaken a complacent hierarchy. Shepherds, he said, should acquire the smell of the sheep.
In short, as he has urged young people to do, he swims against the tide.
John L. Allen, Jr., who has covered the Vatican for CNN, the National Catholic Reporter, and currently the Boston Globe, has been in the forefront of covering Pope Francis and understanding his mission. In Against the Tide, Allen reveals a pope who has fixed his sight on reform, on accountability and on the Church’s Social Gospel. Allen shows how the pope’s actions reach out to those who are disinterested, disenfranchised and lost — and how his leadership, while beginning a new era, has roots that stretch back 2000 years.Click here to view the Spanish edition >>
John L. Allen, Jr., who has covered the Vatican for CNN, the National Catholic Reporter, and currently the Boston Globe, has been in the forefront of covering Pope Francis and understanding his mission. In Against the Tide, Allen reveals a pope who has fixed his sight on reform, on accountability and on the Church’s Social Gospel. Allen shows how the pope’s actions reach out to those who are disinterested, disenfranchised and lost — and how his leadership, while beginning a new era, has roots that stretch back 2000 years.Click here to view the Spanish edition >>