Cheryl R. Holley

The Josephite Pastoral Center director is responsible for the operations, finances, promotion and leadership of the Center’s activities and programs.
Cheryl R. Holley was born in Washington, D.C. Cheryl has been blessed to reach many educational milestones. She earned a Certificate of Completion from Trinity College’s Education for Parish Service (EPS). She went on to earn Graduate Certification in Spiritual Direction and later a Master Degree in Theological Studies from the Washington Theological Union.
Currently Cheryl lives in White Plains, Maryland and is the Director of the Josephite Pastoral Center in Washington, D.C. One of Cheryl’s dreams was for the local Baptist Church to be united with the Roman Catholic Church. She never dreamed she would be a part of that ecumenical effort. She ministered the New Samaritan Baptist Church for seven years in the capacity of the Executive Director of Finance.
Cheryl also has a passion to work with pregnant teenage girls and to share with them their God-given dignity. Her love for her Roman Catholic faith and the belief that education is the key to eliminating abortions and sexual transmitted diseases, led her to initiate and coordinate two Women Sexuality Conferences with the Archdiocese of Washington and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Washington, D.C.
Serving her parish, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church, in Washington, D.C., Cheryl has served as the Confirmation Coordinator of the Sacramental Preparation Team and as the assistant to the Director of Religious Education, member of the Finance Council and is a member of the Ladies Auxiliary No. 213. For three years, she has served on the North America Forum to the Catechumenate local team for RCIA; and is the local team leader for 2012.
Her favorite scripture: I Cor 12: Spiritual gifts. We are all part of the One Body of Christ, given gifts by the Holy Spirit for the honor and glory of Our Heavenly Father.
Denise Bogans
Administrative Assistant

Denise comes to us from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Washington, D.C.
where she is the co-chair of the Lector Ministry and is a member of the Perpetual Glory Gospel Choir.
Denise is no stranger to the Josephites, having previously served as the Parish Council Secretary under the leadership of Father William Norvel and Father Thomas Frank. Denise’s work experience comes from 24 years with AT&T and 4 1/2 years with The Salvation Army.
When Denise isn’t working, she’s usually gardening, baking, reading or biking.